Kejurnas Bridge Indonesia

Blog ini akan berisi berbagai informasi tentang pelaksanaan Kejurnas Bridge dari tahun ke tahun sejak tahun 2008.

Sabtu, 26 April 2008

Mukernas Gabsi 2008


MUKERNAS GABSI VI Tahun 2008 Sukses

MUKERNAS GABSI VI Tahun 2008 Sukses

Musyawarah Kerja Nasional Gabsi ke-6 tahun 2008 yang berlangsung hari ini di Gedung TMC Puspitek Serpong telah berhasil terselenggara dengan baik. Mukernas yang dihadiri utusan dari 25 Pengprov diseluruh Indonesia dibuka oleh Ibu Rita Subowo, Ketua Umum KON dan KOI. Hanya 7 Pengprov yang terdaftar di PB Gabsi yang gagal mengirimkan wakilnya, yaitu : Maluku, Sultra, NTB, Bengkulu, Babel, Aceh, Sumut,.

Mukernas berlangsung dalam suasana santai dan kekeluargaan walapun tetap muncul berbagai pernyataan kritis menyangkut Laporan Kerja PB Gabsi 2006-2007 dan Rancangan Kerja 2008-2010. Namun, akahirnya semua sepakat menerima dengan baik Laporan Kerja dan Rencana Kerja PB Gabsi dengan berbagai catatan..

Hal-hal penting yang disampaikan peserta adalah agar PB Gabsi lebih serius mengamati perkembangan Bridge Masuk Sekolah yang sudah menggelinding bak bola salju. Bagaimana peningkatan kwantitas bias seiring dengan peningkatan kualitas. PB Gabsi telah berjanji akan menjadikan pemberdayaan guru bridge terutama untuk mengajar para pelajar yang sudah menggeluti mini bridge akan beralih ke bridge menjadi prioritas utama. Selain tentu saja pengadaan turnamen director dan pelatih bridge yang bersertifikat. Hal lain adalah membuat MOU dengan Depdiknas sehingga memudahkan Pengprov berhubungan dengan Kanwil Depdiknas di daerah.

Tuan Rumah Kejurnas Bridge 2009 adalah Gorontalo dan 2010 adal Kepri. Semarang yang juga mengusulkan menjadi Tuan Rumah Kejurnas Bridge 2009 akan ditawarkan untuk menjadi tuan rumah Asean Bridge Club Championships tanggal 8-12 Desember 2008.

Mengenai usulan penggantian Logo, PB Gabsi akan membentuk tim untuk mengkaji berbagai masukan dari para peserta sehingga mendapatkan satu atau beberapa logo yang akan disosialisaskin dan kemudian diharaokan bias ditetapkan pada Kongres Gabsi tahun 2010 di Batam.

Pimpinan Sidang :

Harsudi Supandi

Rustam Effendy

Bert Toar Polii

Tim Perumus

Fahrin Ilham (Kalsel)

Priatna (PB Gabsi)

Alfi Darwn (Lampung)

Chris Hombokau (Sulut)


Kamis, 24 April 2008

Check out my Guestbook!

Runner-Up Senior Bowl 2007 tampil di Banten

Runner-up Senior Bowl 2007 Shanghai akan terjun di Kejurnas ini sebagai tim KSA dengan Tim Manager merangkap pemain Frans Turalakey. Kehadiran tim ini akan membuat Kejurnas Banten 2008 menjadi semakin berbobot.


Selasa, 22 April 2008

Ketua Dewan Pembina dan PB Gabsi

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Bringing Back Bridge

Dua orang terkaya didunia ternyata penggemar bridge

Bringing Back Bridge

Feb. 17, 2008
(CBS) Think playing bridge is a thing of the past? John Blackstone gets a lesson in the art of playing bridge from Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

Don't let the near silence make you think the room isn't filled with fear, tension, excitement and exhilaration. Bridge players become masters of hiding their emotions - and they are passionate about their favorite pastime.

"Doesn't seem possible," says player George Jacobs, "but it's the most exciting thing you can ever do with your clothes on."

One of those passionate, outwardly calm competitors is Microsoft's Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world, but not one of the world's best bridge players.

Bridge, it turns out, is one of the great equalizers.

"Is that one of the atttractions?" CBS News' John Blackstone asked the powerful CEO. "I mean you've conquered most everything else."

"You know, I'm here playing with people who are better than I am, so I can always improve," said Gates.

"And clearly, since you got knocked out," Blackstone pointed out, "they 're not intimidated by you either."

"Not one iota," Gates agreed, "If anything, maybe they try even a little harder."

Gates' friend, and fellow billionaire Warren Buffett, cheerfully admits to being a bridge addict.

"You know, if I'm playing bridge and a naked woman walks by, I don't ever see her," he said, laughing, then added, "don't test me on that!!"

When he's not counting money, he's counting cards. Buffet plays bridge about 12 hours a week.

"You know," Buffet told Blackstone, "I wouldn't mind going to jail if I had the right three cell mates, so we could play bridge all the time."

You'd think a pastime so loved by America's two richest men would be embraced by the young and ambitious, but there was a lot of gray hair at a recent tournament in San Francisco.

Though a tournament like this one can attract thousands, the truth is, bridge in America is in trouble. You just don't see many young people.

We could perhaps blame Bill Gates himself for giving kids computer games and the internet, but bridge has been fading since the 1960's - maybe it's television's fault.

For the first half of the 20th century, bridge was almost the biggest thing going.

The Marx Brothers played bridge…so did Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard.

A bridge scandal even made national headlines in 1929 when Myrtle Bennett shot and killed her husband after a badly-played hand, justifiable homicide says bridge champion Sharon Osberg.

"I can understand shooting the guy, and I can understand the jury acquitting her," she said.

That may explain why Osberg's husband doesn't play bridge with her, but both Bill Gates and Warren Buffet do.

And the three of them now are on a mission to get young people playing bridge.

"The main thing to do is to get them playing," Buffet said, "and have them play long enough so that it grabs them."

Gates and Buffett have invested a million dollars in programs to teach bridge in schools.

At Glenwood Academy, in Atlanta, the kids don't seem the least intimidated by the complicated rules.

"I really do like the part about the tricks, the bidding part," said one student.

"Once you know the basics, it's very straightforward," explained Gates, "I mean, the high card takes the trick. It's deliciously simple in the rules, but deliciously complex in doing it well."

So complex, Gates says, it hasn't been mastered by computers.

"I think it'll be a long time before computers are anywhere near the top players," Gates predicted.

"So the human mind is still a whole lot better for this?" Blackstone asked.

"It's incredible," Gates told him. "This is actually one of the last games where the computer is not better."

"It takes some investment to play it," cautioned Buffett, "I mean, you can not sit down and learn how to play it like most games."

"If you tell me it takes some investment," Blackstone said laughing, "I'll take your word for it."

At the Atlanta Duplicate Bridge Club, young bridge players even invest their Saturday morning free time!

"Once you get started, you can't stop," one young player enthused.

"Are there lessons for business," Blackstone asked, "for later life in this game?"

"There's a lotta lessons in it," Buffett assured him, "you have to look at all the facts. You have to draw inferences from what you've seen, what you've heard. You have to discard improper theories about what the hand had as more evidence comes in sometimes. You have to be open to a possible change of course if you get new information. You have to work with a partner, particularly on defense."

Not to say that bridge will ever be as big as it once was, but you can do worse than heeding advice from Warren Buffett.

"I've never met anybody that spent time to learn the game that didn't consider it one of the great things in their life," he concluded.

And it certainly hasn't hurt Bill Gates.

"My mother tried to get me to play bridge," Blackstone recalled, "I resisted. Here we are today, you're Bill Gates, I'm not. Is that because of bridge?"

"Well," Gates suggested, "you could take it up."

"You know, Blackstone told him, "I just might."

Senin, 21 April 2008


Congratulitions to : JESSICA TAHYA and LARAS SURYANINGTYAS AKSA PUTRI from Balikpapan

Dear Wimpy S Tjetjep

Anna Maria Torlontano has asked me to send you the report about the Women’s Bridge Festival which I hope you will find of interest.
Anna Maria also asks me to thank you for your co-operation in publicising this event, and says that she very much relies on you and your help … especially when we do it all again next year! Thank you!


Anna Gudge

APRIL 7 to 13 - 2008

The Festival is now over and I am very pleased to send you my report.

First of all, I am very pleased and obliged to thank all the people who made of this Festival a success!
-Our fantastic President, José Damiani to whom I first spoke about this idea. He liked it immediately, he trusted me and wanted that this first experiment to be a WBF event. It is very clear that without his approval it could not be achieved!
So, José, my sincere thanks also on behalf of my Committee.

-Vincenzo Delle Cave, the man responsible for BBO -Italia, who I met in May 2007 in Salsomaggiore, not knowing him at all. He liked the idea very much and we started to work on it immediately. He is a perfect organizer, very enthusiastic and always ready to accept and share the requests of my very lively Committee. Vincenzo it is really a pleasure to work with you!!

- Fred Gitelman...the Boss of BBO, who also trusted me and sent me very kind words of sincere appreciation, congratulations and good wishes!

-The members of the WBF Women's Committee who approved with enthusiasm this proposal in the meeting that we had in Shanghai, in October 2007, expressing themselves ready to give their invaluable help in this organization.

-The friends who very kindly translated for us the information pages of the Festival in 6 languages: in alphabetical order) : Olivier Auduard (French) - Marijke Blanken-Burger (Dutch)- Anna Gudge (English)- Cristine Mattson (German) - Ana Prados (Spanish)- Silvia Valentini (Italian) Thank you all, thank you very very much!!

- Some special words to the people , marvellous friends with whom I worked very closely ....more than once, every day..
I am very pleased to name them and believe me, I am very emotional at this moment, and I feel sorry because I am sure that I cannot express with my words the appreciation and the gratitude that I have for them:
The Vice Chairman of the WBF Women's Committee, Joan Gerard who, with the Communications Director, Barbara Nudelman, drew up the "conditions of contest" of this Festival. Always present, with their suggestions, in all the decisions that we had to undertake during the preparation of the event
Anna, our invaluable Secretary, but saying "secretary" doesn't mean anything. One of the most active and efficient members of the Committee, ready to find always a moment to work for us ,(even if all of you know how she is busy working for the WBF) to clarify, to write, to translate and to fulfil all the requests that the "Chairman" (it's me) made everyday!
Silvia Valentini, my assistant in the EBL Women's Committee, who didn’t leave me even for a minute!
and I left my dear Marijke to last, because she needs some very special words: Marijke Blanken Burger, member of the EBL Women's Committee who was one of the most important and indispensable part in this organization. Marijke runs in the Netherlands a web design company, and as soon as I asked for her collaboration she was ready to work with us. But she did more, much more than we expected. The work for the Festival started as a small thing: one webpage, some banners, graphic, designs and pdf-files. Then, the one web page turned into 9 pages, and these into 14 pages and extra banners too. She took care of the design of the "certificates" that we gave as prizes, in total 51 on which she had also to write the names and upload them, then send them to Anna for them to be emailed individually to all the winners. Always in contact with Vincenzo also for the small details. Marijke is a "professional", but in this case, very very kind and generous, she started to work for fun and gave her big contribution as a "gift". What more than this? Marijke, again I have no words to thank you, also on behalf of our colleagues, for what you did for us. I am really proud to work with you!!!
664 valid (many more at the start of the Festival , and many annulled )
67 countries took part:

Bouvet Island
Costa Rica
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Czech Republic
El Salvador
Korea, Republic of
New Zealand
Puerto Rico
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States

495 tables
more in the Pairs Tournaments than in the Individual
(Every day two individual tournaments and two Pairs Tournaments

4.1 Participating in all "Individual Tournaments"
1st classified MAGDALENA DABROWSKA (Poland)

4.2 Participating in all " Pairs Tournaments"

4.3 Overall combined classification -(INDIVIDUAL + PAIRS)
1st classified JESSICA TAHYA (Indonesia)
2nd classified LARAS SURYANINGTYAS AKSA PUTRI (Indonesia)
3rd classified FRANCESCA STOPPINI (Italy)
ex equal MARIA STOPPINI (Italy)

Very few and solved without any problem.
The organizers and the Directors said "very very good!"
There were many also helped by 2 from abroad.
No signalling.
The classifications are online and you can see the tables of each tournaments, the board played etc etc. and of course, the names of the Winners.
BBO is a special Site which has incredible characteristics.
This report, the results, the "certificates" and as soon as we receive them, the pictures of the overall winners, will be sent to Panos, to be put on the WBF Web Site. In addition, Anna sent a message on my behalf to thank all the women who participated in the event. This report has also been sent to all WBF NBOs, thanking them for their support.
It was a splendid idea, to be absolutely repeated!
Most of the defections were due to misunderstandings, bad interpretation of the regulations. Some players said that there was a lack of information, despite details having been sent out to everyone we could possibly contact. In any case we will seek to establish in which areas this can be improved! A large number of these defections also were due to the players trying to register at the very last minute or even after the Festival started, which could not be accepted – we had made the regulation that registrations must be made at least 1 week in advance, and it seems that, despite this being well publicised, the players did not take note of it. We need to recognise that in other online tournaments the players register at the very last moment and for some of them there are no inscriptions at all until about 10 minutes before the start of play. It is a kind of mentality that we will try to change!
As the "certificates" went also to the personal email address of the Winners, I was able to read their thanks and their enthusiastic words of appreciation on this event. Many players wrote, hoping that this Festival will be repeated in the future
Well, my comment? I am very satisfied . Of course, for the next event....(because we will have a next event!) we have to revise and modify some things, in the light of this first experiment.
I found the proposal of BBO to continue these tournaments online, reserved only to the Women Players very interesting.
Then BBO should make a communication like this (of course some things could be changed):

"The Women's Bridge Festival organized by BBO and the WBF Women's Committee was a great success.

Therefore the WBF Women's Committee is in agreement with the proposal of BBO to continue to organize, with the same format, tournaments every month, reserved just for women players.

You, the players, will get more experience in playing tournaments online, you will have the opportunity to train with your partner before a National or International Championship, you will make many new friends, and in addition you will have the opportunity to play a tournament with a World Champion!!. All this while waiting for the next "WBF /BBO Women's Bridge Festival" that will be held in the Spring of 2009.

The organization of this series of tournaments will be handled exclusively by BBO. There will be no prizes, no certificates, no pictures. Only the winner of the monthly classification will gain the opportunity to play a tournament with a World Champion (name).

BBO has also in mind to create with us a "Women's Bridge Club online", where we will be able to let you know about events organized by the Women's Committee and where the Women Players can "meet", to exchange ideas, to talk amongst themselves, discuss hands, bidding...etc.

The details of these tournaments will be published as soon as they are finalized".

This is the end of my report. Thank you for your attention and let's look at the future of the Women's Bridge with optimism and trust!

Anna Maria Torlontano

Minggu, 20 April 2008

Golden Rules


Golden rules

The following golden rules apply in at least 95% of situations so if you follow them you will be doing the right thing 9.5 times out of 10. The exceptions can take time to spot, but as you see them you will remember them for next time getting you close to perfect bridge.

  1. Bidding

1.1 For game in No Trumps you will usually require 25+ High Card Points (HCP) for a small slam in NT you will usually need 32-35 HCPs and 36+ for a grand slam in NTs. 10s are usually more important in NT than in suit contracts.

1.2 For game in suit contracts you may need the same points as above but high cards are not as important as distribution. Aces are more valuable in suit contracts than the 4 HCPs assigned in NTs. Try counting them as 5HCPs ONCE you have agreed a suit!

1.3 Bid slowly when you have strength to determine the correct strain (suit vs NT); bid quickly when you are weak with a fit.

1.4 MISFIT nearly always = NT and you will need more HCPs (than mentioned above) to achieve your goal.

1.5 The 5 level belongs to the opposition in competitive auctions. This means that if you bid to 4S expecting to make and the opponents bid 5H, you should normally pass or double 5 rather than bidding 5♠.

1.6 Follow the law of total tricks [The total number of potential trumps held in you and your partner’s best fit OR the total number of potential trumps held in your opponents fit defines the level at which you should play in competitive sequences. Simply put if you have 9 spades between you and any number of points it is most;ly safe to bid to the 3 level (9 tricks needed).] There are several good books on this topic that are essential bridge reading.

1.7 Don’t psyche unless you wish to change partners!

  1. Play

2.1 Plan the whole play before you play any card to trick one.

2.2 Count your tricks – winners AND losers. The total may not add up to 13!

2.2.1 Where do extra tricks come from? Finesses. These are easiest to understand and do but you should look to avoid these if a better percentage is available. On the face of it a finesse is a 50% chance this may be better if an opponent has bid the suit and the finesse cards are sat on her left. Establishing long suits. Vital in No trump contracts and often vital in suit contracts. If you have enough entries a hand with Axxxx opposite a singleton offers a better chance of 2 tricks than a finesse in another suit. It just requires a 4-3 break (62%). Ruff with the hand that has short trumps. If you have 5 trumps in one hand and 3 in the other, try to use the 3 for ruffing (trumping losers). Indeed it is rarely right (unless establishing a side suit (see above) or performing a dummy reversal (see below) to ruff with the hand that has long trumps. Cross ruff (trump in both hands). Easy to spot when you have two shortages opposite one another. Often needed when you are short on points for your contract. Looking to drop key honour cards. Sometimes you can gain when an opponet has say QJ bare or singleton K. Sometines the bidding will give you a clue. Dummy reversals. These can be hard to spot but sometimes you can make more tricks by ruffing with the hand that has long trumps. Say you have 5 trumps in one hand and 3 in the other, you may ruff 3 times with the long trumps and draw trumps with the short hand. End plays. This is where you force, by plan or accident, an opponent to lead a suit that is favourable to you. Squeezes. This will happen by accident at first. There are many varieties but when you start to see them happen, then start to plan for them you will appreciate the art and beauty of the game. If you find yourself with a hopeless contract that must surely fail by a trick – think “SQUEEZE”. You will usually need entries to both hands and a running suit that will squeeze or force an opponent to throw away a card she would rather keep. Coups & trump promotions. These come in many flavours but you usually aim to win tricks by leading a winner in a side suit that your opponent either ruffs high, establishing your trump or she ruffs low and you over ruff.

2.3 Count the opponents points and link that to the bidding. e.g. If one opponent has already shown up with 11 points and you are trying to find a queen in a suit, it is likely to be with her partner otherwise she might have opened the bidding.

2.4 Count your opponents length in key suits.

2.5 As declarer, if you hold touching honours lead the lowest one if you don’t want the defenders to cover.

2.6 Try to establish suits that need to break 3-2 (68%) or 4-3 (62%) is better odds than a finesse (50%) so only take finesses if you have to!

2.7 Consider the opening lead (see leads below). Why did they lead that card? If it is not in the ‘good lead’ category that probably means they don’t have one of those available.

  1. Defence

3.1 With Kxx behind AQJx(x) duck the first finesse unless you know or suspect declarer has a singleton.

3.2 Don’t underlead an Ace against suit contracts. The longer your suit with an Ace in the more chance that declarer will score a trick to which he/she is not entitled (imagine a King singleton) – see preferred leads in the table below.

3.3 Cover an honour with an honour unless you KNOW that the honour is from a sequence (touching honours).

3.4 2nd hand low, third hand high.

3.5 Try not to give declarer a ruff and discard. This is where both declarer and dummy have no more in a is usually wrong to play that suit again!

3.6 Try to force the hand with long trumps to ruff (i.e. ‘shorten declarer’s trumps).

3.7 When you have the majority of the points but the opponents have won the auction, lead a trump no matter how unattractive it might seem. Remember they will probably need to cross ruff to make their contract.

3.8 When you can see little future in more tricks in the side suits try for uppercuts and trump promotions by playing a long suit again. An uppercut is where you would like your partner to ruff high so that you can score a trump trick. (say you have Qx and your partner has Jx trumps). If declarer gets in, the A and K will draw your trumps, however if one of you ruffs something you will always score a trump trick whether or not you are over-ruffed). A trump promotion is where declarer can draw the outstanding trump(s) but you play a suit and she either ruffs high establishing a trick for your partner’s trump or she ducks and your partner scores the trump anyway.

  1. General

Smile at your partner. No matter how badly she or he plays. Arguing or criticising rather than encouraging will have perhaps the most negative effect on your score card of all the rule breaking opportunities listed here.

  1. Standard leads.

5.1 vs. suit contracts. Listen to the auction before choosing a lead. The unbid suit is often a good starting point.

5.1.1 Good leads

Lead the card underlined

Ace singleton

AK followed by the Ace



KQ10 or better


QJ9 or better

J10x or better

xxxx(x) MUD (middle-up-down) or TON (top of nothing) applies (see below)


5.1.2 Reasonable leads (if no good lead available)


xxx lead either the middle (MUD – middle (followed by the top one) up down also known as ‘second’ as you would lead the second highest from 4 or more as well as just three cards e.g. 87654) or TON (top of nothing). Agree with partner what constitutes ‘nothing’. Prefer a 10 to be something so if playing MUD leads the 9 will always be from shortage as you would lead 109xx.

Kxx(x) or Qxx(x)


5.1.3 Bad leads



5.1.4 Terrible leads

Axx Leading an ‘unsupported Ace’ This can be right against slams, especially in pairs but almost never at any other time.

Axx(x) This can be right against a small slam but you will be blamed if it doesn’t work!


Kxx(x) Leading and unsupported King is often worse than leading an unsupported Ace.

AQx(x) (against a suit contract) Never underlead AQ unless you KNOW that your partner has the K!

5.2 When to lead trumps?

It is nearly always right to lead trumps when:

- your side have the majority of the points

- You have a good holding in declarer’s first or second bid suit that is not trumps

- you do not expect declarer to have a running suit

- you do not have a certain misfit with partner (when you might try for a cross ruff)

- You have no obvious other lead

5.3 When not to lead trumps?

- When you wish to get a ruff

- When you have a holding such as Kx, Qxx or Jxx that you need to protect

- When partner might have the Q

Thx to Derek Mags
